Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Real Catwoman

Special post today! Today (actually, April 8th) is my girlfriend Jen's b-day. She's a real trooper in that she's working hard on her animation projects on her birthday. I'm getting into caricatures so I thought I would start with my favorite person....Jen! The whole process is really fun for me; I start with reference sketches of the subject until I can draw the person easily without resorting to copying a photograph. Then I start to notice parts of the person I like and that have great design potential. Finally I choose a pose and push those features to make it a solid design. This isn't nearly finished yet, but I like the drawing and hope to polish it soon. Jen, I hope you like this! <3.

1 comment:

Charla said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, Tim! This piece looks awesome.

And thanks for the feedback on my promo card!! It was a little ho-hum about it, but your feedback made me feel much better. =)

I hope you and your lady had a great Easter!